Friday, August 18, 2017

As Russia-Gate Story Stalls, Cue Trump Neo-Nazi Scandal

Click here to access article by Finian Cunningham from Strategic Culture Foundation. (Minor editing to add greater clarity to my commentary.)
...the concerted, massive media campaign to nail Trump as some kind of new Fuhrer seems way over the top. The media frenzy smacks of Deep State opponents scouring for a handy new pretext for ousting him from office.

The enthusiasm for whipping up the new anti-Trump campaign seems due in large part because the erstwhile Russia-gate story has patently failed to gain any traction. For nearly seven months since Trump’s inauguration, the relentless claims pushed by Democrats, the media and anonymous intelligence sources that his election last November was enabled by Russian interference have shown little impact in terms of discrediting Trump and ultimately forcing him out of the White House. The Russia-gate theme has failed in its soft coup objective.
The Irish journalist argues that Deep State operatives are now exploiting the increasing revelations that Trump has racist inclinations as demonstrated by corporate media coverage given to the recent incident in Charlottesville, Virginia. Having largely failed with the Russia-gate strategy, the racist card looks more promising. Of course, this overlooks the fact that nearly all Americans (I include myself) in the US have harmful racist feelings ranging from people in the White nationalist groups to the Deep State to African-Americans (who are, in many cases, affected psychologically negatively) simply because one cannot avoid the racist indoctrination that is laced throughout US culture. The Deep State exploited the African-American superficial features of Obama to promote him as president in order to camouflage their own racism and to bolster their propaganda that the US was no longer a racist nation.  

Racism is a ubiquitous fact of life in the US because the capitalist ruling class has always seen it as a useful weapon to weaken labor movements by playing off various groups of workers against each other. Other groups affected at various times in our history were the Chinese, Asians as a whole, brown Latin Americans, southern and eastern Europeans, and even the Irish. The Deep State may now be seeing it (stirring up racial conflicts) as a useful strategy to dump Trump. As I argued yesterday, the evidence suggests that the entire Charlottesville incident was carefully planned by not only White nationalists but local police agencies as well.