Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cambodia Exposes, Expels US Network

Click here to access article by Joseph Thomas from New Eastern Outlook.

This article illustrates how some nations are beginning to learn how to cope with the Empire's use of covert NGOs to promote "color revolutions" in their countries to further the Empire's interests of profit and power.
The notion that NDI is “promoting democracy” is at face value an absurdity. Democracy is a means self-determination. Self-determination is not possible if outside interests are attempting to influence the process.

A political party funded and directed by US interests through organisations like NDI, supported by media outfits and fronts posing as nongovernmental organisations likewise funded from abroad preclude any process of self-determination and is thus not only in no shape, form or way “democracy promotion,” it is a process that is fundamentally undemocratic.

In the US where it is widely understood that money dominates campaigns and wins elections, it is difficult to perceive the US pouring money into opposition parties abroad for any other reason besides skewing electoral outcomes in favour of US interests.