Monday, September 25, 2017

Eva Bartlett in North Korea – Going Behind the Media Iron Curtain

Click here to access article featuring an interview with Bartlett and video shots she took on her visit at the end of August to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and posted on 21st Century. (Note: the audio quality of her voice deteriorates at various times in the interview. Also the interview cuts of before the end at 31:51m of the full 32:45m interview; if you want to hear the end you can do so here.)

This extraordinary Canadian journalist shows how independent journalists can give a very different impression of life in other countries, especially those designated derogatorily by such names as the "Axis of Evil", than corporate media gives us within our iron-curtain of Empire propaganda.

On the other hand, if you like the simplistic "good-guy, bad guy" cartoonish propaganda fed to adolescent people (adults with an adolescent personality) by the Empire's corporations, you will love this piece produced by Hollywood's Zionists featuring an African-American celebrity and talking-head. People like you never regard Hollywood both as a propaganda agency of the fascist Deep State (as mostly explained by Caitlin Johnstone) and an equal opportunity briber.