Thursday, September 14, 2017

NATO’s Anarchist Brigades

Click here to access article by Thierry Meyssan from Voltaire Network
Presented in the West as the realization of a friendly utopia, the brand new « Rojava » is in reality a colonial state, designed and cemented in blood by Washington. This time, the plan is to expel the populations of the North of Syria and replace them with people who were not born there. In order to implement this ethnic cleansing, the Pentagon and the CIA have mobilised combatants from the circles of the European extreme-left. Thierry Meyssan reveals this insane project which has been ongoing for the last eighteen months.
In this article Meyssan, a French intellectual and political analyst, has presented much new information about the strange appearance of the US backed Kurdish rebels fighting in northern Syria. Although he uses undocumented information to support many of his arguments, the logic of his arguments fit very well with other independent sources that have carefully examined this phenomenon. 

I, too, for the last four or five years have been following these Syrian Kurds after rather romantic coverage of them appeared on the web (see this, this, and this), and was initially much impressed by these latter reports because Syrian Kurdish spokespeople always asserted that these Kurds want to continue to be a part of Syria but under a looser federation arrangement. Now I'm not so sure particularly after I learned that they were backed by the US and the US has established numerous military bases in the territory under Kurdish control (see this, this, and this).  

If what Meyssan reports is true (and I think it is), then this is another illustration of the sophistication of US's secret services to deceptively use people to serve their many nefarious agendas, and in particular, their Ziocon agenda to balkanize Syria.