Monday, September 4, 2017

Photos from a Week in the DPRK

Click here to access article by Eva Bartlett from her website In Gaza.

Bartlett is one of world's outstanding humanitarian journalists. Last month she, a Canadian, visited the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and captured with photos the social life of the country. Unfortunately our understanding of other countries is too often limited by our media corporations which serve the interests of power and profit of the tiny, very rich, capitalist class who rule over the US and much of the world. With these photos and commentary Bartlett portrays another view of the DPRK that our masters don't want us to see. She also provides us with other resources to learn about the true history of a country that the American military almost disappeared from the earth.
From August 24-31, I visited the DPRK (North Korea) as part of a very small delegation interested in hearing from North Koreans themselves about their lives, the US sanctions and incessant war manouevres, their history and more. A sample of photos and videos, with more to follow soon.
Please bear in mind that this country is among the most vilified on earth–along with Syria and formerly (now-destroyed) Libya, to name a few. Western media does not speak of North Korea’s people, nor of the amazing infrastructure, free housing and medical care, impressive agriculture and green energy, and the many things the people of the DPRK have done so well which I’ll elaborate on over the coming days.