Friday, October 27, 2017

Trump Reneges on Releasing JFK Documents

Click here to access article by Stephen Lendman from his website.

Surprise! Surprise! "Read all about it! Trump reneges on releasing documents about the assassination of President John Kennedy!" 

I sincerely hope that you weren't one of those surprised. There is a mountain of evidence out there to indicate that John along with his brother Bobby, and many other figures such as Martin Luther King, were assassinated by agents of the ruling class under the direction of their secret services like the CIA, FBI, etc. Thus the ruling class directorate cannot, and must refuse to, release documents that expose their criminal activities in spite of the fact that the event happened over 50 years ago. Such documents will never be released unless ruling class agencies which guard this information are somehow eliminated, and a new social system that insures a government of, by, and for the people finally replaces the present class-based system of capitalism. 

Lendman summarizes this event, which highlights the most prominent features of the US's continuing version of "friendly fascism", by writing:
Saying he [Trump] had “no choice” revealed his impotence, obeying what he’s told to do, going along with higher powers, dark forces running things, the way America is governed – a plutocracy-run police state, a fantasy democracy, one in name only to hide how rule in Washington operates, for the nation’s privileged class exclusively.
You may be interested in David Talbot's take on this event and his observations about political affairs in general in the USA. Talbot as an incorrigible liberal by looking to a rejuvenation of the Democratic Party to rescue us from imperialism, militarism, and gross inequality. Nevertheless he is well informed about the deterioration of political conditions in the US, and some of his observations are of interest. In the following audio interview (with transcript) posted on Who, What, Why, he argues that an increasing fragmentation of the ruling class's Deep State is occurring, and offers some other interesting observations related to the release of the documents.
I think power in this country now is fragmenting because of all the pressures and all the tensions that have been building up in our society, and I don’t think you can talk about a one deep state at this point, the hidden power in America. I think it’s very fragmented. Things are coming apart in this country every day.