Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Recommended articles for 11/8/2017

In this article Cunningham draws from recent events in the Middle East to support the rather obvious implication that the US and its allies (Saudi Arabia and Israel) are preparing a war against Iran.
I was deeply chagrined to find this report on the website of ConsortiumNews. I have long been aware that Reporters Without Borders have been serving as an astroturf website that deceptively serves the interests of the Empire. Just look at the comments (you will need to click on "Show Comments") by aware people who follow this otherwise excellent website. If that is not enough for you, then read this. Then view this to see Udo Ulfkotte explain how he and other journalists were trained to lie by US intelligence agencies. Strangely enough, you won't find anything about Ulfkotte on the website of Reporters Without Borders. Ulfkotte conveniently (for the "intelligence" agencies) died of a "heart attack" earlier this year.
As someone who has found considerable evidence to indicate that media corporations have been thoroughly corrupted by the CIA to only cover and disseminate news that serves their imperial interests, I must ask myself why this topic has received this kind of coverage now. The answer that comes back is that the coverage serves to distract Americans from international events that serve to put the US Empire in a bad light.
The CIA corrupted media executives will use anything to distract Americans from real news about the Empire's many criminal activities in foreign lands--real or contrived terrorist or mass shooting events, sexual and other identity issues, the latest "news" about Trump's connections with Russia's Putin, the latest epidemic (opiod), and/or the latest sensational scandals of celebrities.