Sunday, January 14, 2018

CIA and the Assassination of Leaders Overseas

Click here to access article by Vladimir Platov from New Eastern Outlook

Although I couldn't find any information about Platov, he clearly knows about what he writes. I already knew much of his history of US assassinations, but with Cornelius Rhoades I was stumped. I did a little research, and sure enough, Rhoades was as Platov described him. Of course, US media corporations, whose mission is to protect the US capitalist ruling class, omits much of this history; and when they do write about it, they downplay and obscure the significance of such incidents. Thus, it seems as though the vast majority of Americans continue to believe that we live in the "land of the free and the home of the brave", and our government (and especially its military) has a right to act as an "indispensable nation" to protect the human rights of people all over the world. The reality is that the USA functioned much like organized crime as they constructed their new empire out of the detritus of the old capitalist European ruling classes following the devastation of WWII.
The history of the US Central Intelligence Agency is replete with numerous examples of political assassinations, not only in the US, but also of leaders of countries Washington disagrees with. So today, the CIA has actively begun developing various methods for the deliberate elimination of the US’s newest political opponent, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, involving not only special forces in this task, but also the special services of countries that cooperate closely with the CIA.
The CIA, along with numerous other clandestine government agencies, was a key feature of the post-WWII launching of the US Empire. Such agencies, which were unaccountable to the public, were assigned to combat the influences of any movement or leaders that interfered with the sanctity of private property and the prerogatives of capitalists who "owned" and controlled economic property: mainly the US capitalist class and other capitalists who joined them in the plunder of wealth created by working people all over the world. Assassination of leaders was the ultimate weapon in the arsenal of weapons that was used. Other weapons were also used: disinformation spread by media corporations, infiltrating their agents into working class organizations to sow discord and distrust, false-flag operations designed to cast blame on working class organizations, paying criminal gangs to beat up workers, etc. (See this, this, this, this, and this.)