Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Anti-Empire Report #154: Happy New Year

Click here to access article by William Blum from his website.

Blum attempts to allay our fears and sorrows with this excellent piece of satire. After all, isn't it true that it is better to laugh than to cry over a situation that at times seems overwhelming. He begins the satire with predictions like this:
2018 is going to be a fun fun year. And to better prepare yourself for all the merrymaking here is a calendar of some of the more delightful things to look forward to.

February 16: The United States bans entry to the country of all people except white Christian and Jewish citizens of Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Israel.

February 18: Congress passes a law that requires all new citizens to submit an essay – in excellent English – about how brilliant Donald J. Trump is, how devoted they are to him, what a huge success he’s been, how he’s going to make America great again, and how modest a man he is.