Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Opioid Epidemic in America - Killing One Million Workers: The Triumph of Capital (Creating a Domestic ‘Shithole’)

Click here to access article by James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya from Petras' website.

After a short introduction regarding the use of addictive drugs to open up the China market to British and other advanced capitalist countries, the article continues on in PDF format to describe how Big Pharma in collusion with the government, which they largely control, has decimated mostly the white working population in the USA with modern highly addictive drugs. The authors see this as another manifestation of class warfare to enrich the ruling capitalist class along with many rewards for their compliant, highly educated upper-middle class scientists, technologists, and medical professionals.
There are historical precedents for the successful elimination of drug lords, both
elite and criminal and for bringing addicts back to productive social life.