Saturday, January 27, 2018

The War on Dissent

Click here to access article by CJ Hopkins from CounterPunch

Hopkins explains how capitalist online social and information media (Twitter, Facebook, Google) have joined the Deep State, the financial and industrial elites that make major decisions behind the facade of official government, in order to protect their interests of profit and power from people like you who were disobedient in the last election! You will obey, or else!
The corporatocracy is going to change that attitude, or it is going to make it disappear. It is in the process of doing this now, using every ideological weapon in its arsenal. The news media. Publishing. Hollywood. The Internet. Intelligence agencies. Congressional inquiries. Protests. Marches. Twitter’s “advisory emails.” Google’s manipulation of its search results. Facebook’s “counterspeech” initiative. Russiagate. Shitholegate. Pornstargate. The ruling class is sending us a message. The message is, “you’re either with us or against us.” The message is, “we will tolerate no dissent, except for officially sanctioned dissent.” The message is, “try to fuck with us, and we will marginalize you, and demonize you, and demonetize you, and disappear you.”

The message is, “we control reality, so reality is whatever the fuck we say it is....