Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The US-UK Deep State Empire Strikes Back: ‘It’s Russia! Russia! Russia!’

Click here to access article by James George Jatras from Strategic Culture Foundation. (Credit goes to Christopher in northwest Oregon for alerting me to this article.)

Although the author declares that the Deep State, which is also known as the capitalist ruling class by those who are awake, has with this Russiagate stories accomplished the targeting of Russia as the next enemy of the US in the minds of most Americans who are fast asleep. Of course, China is another target often mentioned among those officials who serve the ruling class, but for now the focus is on Russia as the devil incarnate because China is making many American capitalists rich.

Because the ruling capitalist class, aka "the Deep State", remains behind the curtain of reality as represented to us by their media corporations, their role is always hidden from view. The Deep State actors hide behind the secret walls of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council, Brookings Institute, and host of other highly secretive "think tanks". Jatras' treatment of the subject only adds to the confusion by substituting the agents of this major propaganda project in place of the Deep State (the leading political members of the ruling capitalist class). 

Furthermore, he seems to suggest that the whole Russiagate project was designed to re-direct the public's attention from the ruling class project of insuring that Hillary Clinton was elected and to cover up their activities on behalf of HC. To support this argument, he writes:
The growing sense of panic was palpable. Oh my – this is a curtain that just cannot be allowed to be pulled back!

What to do, what to do . . .
It's clear to me that Russia has been in the cross-hairs of the US ruling class after Putin started scuttling their plans to destabilize Syria in 2011. The capitalist ruling class have also watched with growing alarm the rise of an independent Russia which colludes with a rising China, the combination of which seeks to impose a framework of multilateral relations on the world which interferes with the US-led Empire's New World Order project. 

With the public's rejection of Hillary Clinton, the chosen leader to promote this project of the ruling class, the latter were furious. But the reaction was not a "growing sense of panic", it was a realization that they needed to increase their propaganda efforts to impose on ordinary Americans an awareness of the growing threat of Russia which interferes in American elections, in reality, of course, to their imperial project. Initially the ruling class went after Trump; but since he has largely adopted their agenda, they have directed their efforts more at demonizing Russia.