Monday, February 19, 2018

The War on Dissent: the Specter of Divisiveness (with Video)

Click here to access article by CJ Hopkins from The Greanville Post

This article is loaded with cynicism as Hopkins exclaims about how many Americans are so easily manipulated into believing into the latest outrageous fake propaganda using the "Russiagate" theme. I have no idea how many of my fellow Americans fall for this latest lie because my attention has been focused on personal tasks; and he doesn't furnish any evidence to support this supposed gullibility. However, judging by past lies promulgated by the ruling class through their media corporations, the majority of Americans probably believe this propaganda also. Remember that a major part of American indoctrination, the part of classroom experience that the ruling capitalist class always refers to as "education", is the major dictum that one must always respect and obey authorities who always have the interests of ordinary Americans at heart.

To launch the phony "War on Terror" this conditioning of obedience was buttressed by the false-flag of the 9/11 tragedy that was engineered by US intelligence agencies in collusion with those of Israel and Saudi Arabia in order to justify all subsequent use of our armed forces in the Middle East and elsewhere. Referring to the 9/11 event, Hopkins writes:
Several million of us figured that one out … or at least figured out that the US government, the “intelligence community,” and the corporate media were using Americans’ emotional response to the September 11 terrorist attacks to con us into supporting the invasion and destabilization of the Middle East for reasons that had nothing to do with terrorism.
Then he continues on to castigate Americans for believing all the subsequent lies that are repeated endless by media corporations. He ends by writing "If you enjoyed ... all the other features of The War on Terror … you’re going to love The War on Dissent."