Friday, February 16, 2018

The Wars No One Notices

Click here to access article by Stephanie Savell from The Unz Review.

The author describes her journey from an uninformed, uncaring person about the many wars we are engaged in throughout the world to where she is now: an awakened and caring researcher on the costs of these wars.
Do Americans really not care? That, at least, seems to have been the judgment of the many journalists who received our press release about the report.

In truth, this has become something like a fact of life in America today, one that’s only been made more extreme by the media’s full-time fascination with President Donald Trump — from his tweets to his insults to his ever-wilder statements. He — or rather the media obsession with his every twitch — poses just the latest challenge to getting attention of any sort for the true costs to us (and everyone else) of our country’s wars. 
In addition to their chronic use of fake news and propaganda, the ruling capitalist class, in my opinion, has mainly accomplished through their successful 9/11 monumental false-flag event.