Saturday, February 3, 2018

World is Burning – While Western Left is Quarreling

Click here to access article by Andre Vltchek from New Eastern Outlook. (Note: On 2/4/2018 at 11:58 AM Seattle time I edited the commentary to give it greater clarity.)

Vltchek takes his anger out on the limited left in the US after his articles are no longer published by a left publisher that he refuses to name. I am convinced after several hours of sleuthing on the web that this publisher is the left-liberal CounterPunch magazine. (See this listing of Vltchek's CounterPunch articles for evidence. Notice they stop at 12/2017.) 

I must confess that I suspected this from the beginning because I remember the website's campaign against questioning the official version of the 9/11 false flag incident that justified all the wars that followed and justify our meddling in the affairs of every nation on earth and the promotion of such myths as we are an "exceptional nation". In other nations, the Empire's ruling capitalist class don't have to justify what their nation does in the world, and they no longer need to follow any international rules of conduct.

This campaign to smear any questioner of the 9/11 event was led by the now deceased chief editor and publisher of CounterPunch, Alexander Cockburn (see this and this). Those that cross this red line incite the wrath of the ruling class, and that often comes with negatives consequences. For those who stay safely on the "comfortable" side of this red line avoid their wrath and sometimes even enjoy comfortable salaries and perks. (See this, this, and this.) Now CounterPunch has decided to play it even safer by excluding those writers, like Vltchek, who write on Russia related websites. Thus, it appears that "Russiagate" has had an impact on the cowardly left political spectrum of the USA!

Under the guidance of the Deep State, the 9/11 event has become a red-line event that has separated American leftists into two camps: 1) those that regard anything that the ruling capitalist class does is open to question and criticism, and 2) those opportunists who for varying reasons don't want to fundamentally threaten the legitimacy of capitalist rule by questioning the official story of 9/11.