Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Our Ghost Democracy [a "best post"]

Click here to access article by Mike Small from Bella Caledonia (Scotland).

The author comments on the latest revelations about the collusion of Facebook with a British firm Cambridge Analytica to manage the consent/dissent of populations to support the interests of their clients and, above all, the ruling capitalist classes of the US-led Empire. (Craig Murray on his blog reveals how closely connected Cambridge Analytica is to the ruling class of Britain.) 

Of special interest is the following 19:12m video produced by Channel 4, included in the article, regarding the nefarious activities of Cambridge Analytica:

After reading/viewing the above material, I think that the article would have been better titled as "Our Fake Fake Democracy". It is a double fake because bourgeois or the capitalist version of democracy is mostly fake; but our ruling masters no longer find this version useful to hide their class's sins, so they have created this carefully managed fake version of bourgeois democracy. To better understand this "brave new world" we have entered, I recommend learning a new word: "hypernormalization".