Monday, March 19, 2018

Police State Rising: Partisan Politics Wielded to Ensure Our Oppression

Click here if you wish to directly access from YouTube the nearly 3 hour video which features Debbie Lusignan on her Sane Progressive channel discussing many topics related to the title.

I had doubts about listening to this when I have so many important tasks in front of me, but I decided to listen to the video as a background while I do the tasks. However, this plan was put aside after I listened to the first 20 minutes. Then I had to view and listen to her video directly from my desk's computer. I was so impressed about her breadth of knowledge about fake news, PSYOPs, even gatekeeping that seems to be infecting people in alternative media that I have decided that she is one of my well-informed, prime truth-tellers along with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Stephen Gowans, and a few others. I now feel that the long video was well worth my time to view/listen to it. 

She stumbles a bit on the various ideologies and at one point seems to imply that only a regulated capitalism is possible, and I didn't hear her say that any one course was possible to overcome the totally corrupted, criminal system of capitalism that we have today. She does urge us to try to talk to people about what is going on according to her understanding of it (which I think is completely accurate).
A very long discussion that covers my current mindset about the state of the world including psych ops, political division, how the alternative media is in the process of being coopted....I know its lengthy, but it is a discussion with our core community and it is meant as such. Thank you. Please go to my our videos on youtube and Bitchute to see the documentation of what I am talking about in the video descriptions of each of those topic videos. Most of my Florida Vegas stuff is on Bitchute HERE: