Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Protests by restless workers, students and farmers spring up across Iran

Click here to access article by Hamid Alizadeh from Defense of Marxism (Britain). 

Here is another report from Trotsky-oriented socialists in Britain about the ongoing clashes of poor workers and farmers in Iran to end the corruption favoring capitalist elements in Iran's ruling class. This will challenge the thinking of those who justifiably protest against the US-Empire's rampaging actions in their pursuit of world hegemony and overlook seeing the working class current and historic struggles to obtain social justice in the victim-nations of the US-led Empire's and the British Empire's past policies and actions.

The author concludes his report by writing:
When a regime starts talking about reforms to avoid a revolution, as the French historian, Alex de Toqueville pointed out, it is often already too late. The conservative wing of the regime is aware of this. It is warily watching how each protest is radicalising and embolding other layers. But neither crackdowns nor reforms can restore stability in Iran because the contradictions run much deeper. They reflect the sclerotic and impotent state of Iranian capitalism and its capitalist class, which is tied up in the complex web of its own contradictions. It is is incapable of solving any of the fundamental problems faced by society. In the end, this is what lies behind the present crisis.