Friday, March 30, 2018

Recommended artilces for 3/30/2018

  • Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un: Make Korea United Again! by Federico Pieraccini from Strategic Culture Foundation. As I see it, the world's population mostly consists of pawns as in the game of chess, and our ruling classes, armed with nuclear weapons, play deadly games of chess in which the outcomes threatens our survival as a human species. See how the author elaborates on, and reaches, the following conclusion in the latest chess game played by our masters: 
... while Moscow and Beijing have multiple reasons for seeking an agreement between Pyongyang and Washington, both are aware that the US has no intentions of abandoning its presence in South Korea. The meeting between Kim Jong-un and Trump is a well-designed trap prepared by Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang, maybe over many months or even years. The most realistic objectives are to further isolate Washington in the region, to bring Beijing and Seoul closer together, and to drive a wedge between Seoul and Washington.
Why are so many Americans indifferent to the savage slaughter of millions of people around the world carried out by their own government under a long string of presidents?   Why were they stone-cold silent during eight years of Obama’s many wars and drone killings of which he boasted?  Why are they silent in the face of the Trump administration’s continuation and expansion of those wars and its push for a nuclear war with Russia?  Why this incestuous turning in and away from the bloody havoc their government keeps afflicting on the world?

And why all this denial while focusing on the pornographic media spectacles of Stormy Daniels (the porn queen turned “Adult Film Actress”), Monica Lewinsky, and a host of others paraded before the cameras to distract and entertain a population of spectators?

I, like many people, wonder why.  What follows is an attempt at an answer ....