Sunday, April 15, 2018

An Empire Built on Fear at Home and Abroad

Click here to access article by James Petras from Global Research
Domination is the driving force of US Empire builders.  But today’s empire is built on fragile economic foundations.  An Empire, which has aimed to dominate the world for the long duration, now stumbles over a series of military defeats abroad and increasingly relies on instilling fear, intimidation and propaganda on its domestic citizenry to regain its dominance.

Inculcating fear, especially at home, is the method of choice.
This method of choice works every time, and 9/11 was their master feat. Petras arrives at this distressing conclusion.
By the time the masses finally discover that the greatest menace stalking the country is the fear-mongering propaganda: They will have read an epitaph for their untimely nuclear death.