Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Another Beautiful Soul: Counterpunching the Global Assault on Dissent

Click here to access article by Canadian Stephen Gowans from What's Left

Gowans provides a perfect illustration of a well indoctrinated and very likely an upper middle class person who is heavily promoted by liberal media such as CounterPunch and Truthdig because she likes to promote identity politics and support Empire policies. Although trained in physics and astronomy, Sonali Kolhatkar has become the darling of the liberal-oriented, supposedly "alternative" media industry. She has, and will be, given all kinds of rewards and encouragement to continue in this line of work because she has so well served to justify and rationalize the policies of the ruling capitalist class to politically liberal Americans.
Kolhatkar’s professions of neutrality notwithstanding, it’s clear whose side she’s on in the matter of the US war to impose neo-colonial slavery on Syria (and after Syria, Iran), but it’s not clear why. She certainly hasn’t arrived at her position by reasoned analysis; none is offered. Her disquisition is embarrassingly unsophisticated. She appears to be unaware of the issues that lie at the root of the conflict. She’s oblivious to the reality that mass media are jingoistic. And she’s incapable of recognizing glaring lapses of her own logic. We can only wonder what Counterpunch saw in her piece.