Friday, April 20, 2018

Recommended articles for Friday 4/20/2018 to clear your brain of the "corporate gas attack"

 (An additional item was added at 2:10 PM Seattle time.)
The empire’s true signature: Dantesque scenes of unspeakable suffering, destruction and death in Syria. A truth too ghastly for the tender sensibilities of the American public and their European cousins, their minds cushioned by dishonest mythologies and whorish escapist entertainment. 
I ran out of time because I simply must deal with personal issues. I advise you to look at the websites I recommend (on the right hand side).
Because building a new politics and a new society means uncertainty, we need to embrace humility central to a radical politics, meaning that we don’t always know the answers and must mistrust dogma and instruction from above.

Emancipatory politics in rural South Africa is under-developed and rural struggles are largely defensive. But out of the old, there are embryonic forms of agrarian alternatives and emancipatory politics – of land redistribution, food sovereignty, participatory democracy and accountable rural governance – that are taking root.