Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Recommended web posts for Tuesday, 4/24/2018

  • The West’s Trauma of its Dissolution by Alistair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation. This top geopolitical analyst summarizes what we know is happening regarding recent events with Russia and in Syria and tries to make sense of it all. Many questions remain. See how he reaches this conclusion:
The attack on Syria is not some 'bump in the road', easily passed, and after which, we may sigh, and slump back to business as usual.  The trauma generated by secular western utopianism (European Enlightenment) being in dissolution is not something to be passed through quite so easily.  'Otherness' - other cultures - are coalescing and taking us to different outcomes, albeit still in their latency.  We should expect more 'bumps in the road'.  We should expect surprise.  The next 'bumps’ might well be more dangerous.  The West's trauma of its dissolution will not be short or without its violence, particularly as the shock of finding that 'technology' is not somehow inherent to western culture, but that the 'other' can do it as well, or even better, strikes at the very core of the western 'myth' of its own exceptionalism.
  • The British Are Driving the West’s War Agenda—But Why? by Richard C. Cook from Global Research. This retired political analyst argues that the Privy Council of Britain is behind all the recent acts of war and false-flags against Russia. I doubt this. It seems like an attempt to excuse US agents from the recent provocative acts. What I, and others like Carroll Quigley, have argued all along that following WWII the British ruling class, which ruled over the nearly defunct British Empire, merged with the US ruling class and have since then co-opted many top capitalists from all over Europe and Japan that makes up the ruling class of US-led Empire. Nevertheless, Cook adds some very interesting information on the British section of the Empire's ruling class.