Sunday, April 1, 2018

Will America accept its defeat or will it challenge the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon?

Click on part 2 and part 3 of a series of three by Elijah J. Magnier from his blog. (Added some content to my commentary at 1:10 PM Seattle time.)

Magnier is a Kuwaiti independent journalist with a very intimate knowledge of the conflicts in the Middle East especially since the beginning of the 21st century. In this series he summarizes the events that led to the defeat of the US Empire in Syria which he regards as pivotal in creating a challenge to the Empire's dominance in the world since WWII. 

Part 1 of the series largely sums up the conflict in Syria, but in parts two and three he develops the above thesis regarding this challenge which directly leads to the question in the title: "Will America accept its defeat or will it challenge the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon?". This is the most important question of all, and all political and economic signs suggest to me that the ruling capitalist classes in the USA and across their Empire will not accept defeat simply because the Deep State directors of the ruling class are "still living in the era of 1991". Besides that, the Empire's ruling capitalist class has with its (metaphorical) printing machine ran up a debt of nearly $21 trillion dollars, which is a debt that they largely own and can only recover if they dominate the world. It is a gross understatement to declare that we are living in dangerous times.
The US is still living in the era of 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. Its strong decline continued until the arrival of President Vladimir Putin to power in 2000. Washington realised there is a new person at the Kremlin in the castle of the Tsars with a determined intention to restore the lost glory. Russia had only nuclear weapons at that time and nothing else but the will was strong for the Russian bear to wakeup from its hibernation.

Putin did not declare war on America but extended his hand and tried to build friendship or at least not enmity. But Washington saw in Moscow the potentiality to recover in a couple of decades and worked on slowing down the process or interrupting it if possible. This is why the US started to pull to its side many countries of the ex-Soviet Union which have declared independence and include these in NATO and in the European Union surrounding Russia.

China, which includes cheap labor and can clone any commercial or military technology, like Russia has perceived America’s fear of its rapid economic development and wealth. Thus, the Chinese-Russian rapprochement was mainly created by the aggressive US policy towards the two countries, and this mainly because the American concentrate exclusively on military muscle when dealing with the World.