Monday, May 7, 2018

Recommended articles for Monday, May 7, 2018

‘Political correctness’ is diluting the sense of urgency, and there is plenty of hypocrisy at work: while, at least in the West and Japan, people are encouraged to recycle, to turn off the lights in empty rooms and not to waste water, in other parts of our Planet, entire islands, nations and continents are being logged out by the Western corporations, or destroyed by unbridled mining. The governments of the West’s ‘client states’ are getting hopelessly corrupt in the process.

Western politicians see absolutely no urgency in all that is taking place around the world, or more precisely – they are paid not to see it.

So, are we now dealing with the thoroughly hopeless scenario? Did the world go mad? Is it ready to get sacrificed for the profit of the very few? Are people simply going to stand passively, watching what is happening around them, and die, as their world goes literally up in flames?

It appeared so, until few months ago.
  • De-Briefing Academics: Unpaid Intelligence Informants by James Petras from Global Research.  Dr. Petas gives us a good idea of how upper-middle class academic travelers have been co-opted to serve the imperialist interests of the ruling capitalist class. Read the article to understand how he reaches the following conclusion:
What is clear in virtually all know[n] experiences is that academic informers’ ‘de-briefings strengthened the empire-builders and complemented the deadly work of the paid professional operatives of the CIA, DEA and the National Security Agency.
  • The Myth of Low US Unemployment. Twisting the Definition, Manipulating the Data by Stephen Lendman from Global Research. Once again we learn that our masters are compulsive liars whenever their interests of profit and power are involved. However, due to the type of socialization that Americans are subject to throughout their lives, most of them have a very naive trust in their capitalist masters who have gotten away with lying so long that it has become essentially an automatic response to any subject where their interests are at stake.