Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Hiding the real number of unemployed

Click here to access article by Pete Dolack from Systemic Disorder. (I started to post this in the morning, but as luck would have it, too many important tasks demanded my attention.)
Your government believes that exhausting your unemployment benefits is a cause for celebration — because you are no longer unemployed!

Huh? Well, there is a slight of hand here. Only working people who are receiving unemployment benefits are counted as “unemployed” in official statistics issued by countries around the world. Thus the actual unemployment rates are much higher than the “official” rates, generally about twice as high. Most governments make it difficult to find the actual rate, and the corporate media does its part by reporting the official rate as if that includes everybody.

Then there is the matter of how much of a given national population is actually engaged in paid employment, another useful number difficult to discover. Finally, we can consider wages, both how fast they might be rising as compared to inflation and whether they are increasing in concert with increases in productivity.

To cut to the chase, things ain’t so hot. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
The dedicated researcher give us the real scoop on what is happening regarding unemployment statistics in the USA and several other countries in the world. Did you suspect that ruling class governments often lie?