Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Whoever Controls The Narrative Controls The World

Click here to access article by Caitlin Johnstone from her blog. 

This Aussie journalist illustrates how the capitalist ruling class promotes people who spread their lies about the world, and likewise how people who refuse to do so are fired. 

She uses two examples: in one case MSNBC found a Black women, who has a record of telling lies, to host one of their "news" programs; and the other a self-admitted propagandist, Richard Stengel, from the State Department whose career illustrates how people who serve the interests of the ruling class easily go back a forth through the proverbial revolving door between government and corporations in evermore responsible and well-paid positions--in this example, Time Magazine, a media corporation. The latter is shown on a clip on the Jimmy Dore Show promoting the use of propaganda on a forum sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relation, a prime Deep State actor. These are excellent examples of the control by the US capitalist class over information that ordinary Americans are allowed to hear, read, and view.