Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Asymmetric Financial War and Radical US Leverage – What Will It Bring?

Click here to access article by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation. (Content added at 11:30 AM CT.)

Even the former member of MI6, the British version of the CIA, has doubts about the viability of the US Empire. No, he is not an anti-capitalist as evidenced by his quote from the Mises Institute. However, he sees that a long-game is being practiced by the enemies of the US-led Empire that is out to control the world.
It seems that the Chinese leadership has concluded that the Trump Administration is determined to use its full spectrum radical leverage to hobble China as a rival, and to resurrect its own global domination – Xi seems to foresee a long struggle for position in the global future: one that will be played out geo-politically (in the jostling in the South China Sea, over North Korea, Taiwan and the BRI), as much as in the economic domain. If this is so, there is real risk of the ‘jostling’ spontaneously escalating into a military clash, whether limited and contained, or not.
He is wrong about Trump's administration starting this economic war. He only accelerated it. It started in the Obama administration under the "pivot to China" policy, but it wasn't Obama who instigated it. Obama, like most government officials, was merely a puppet. It was primarily the Anglo-American ruling capitalist classes that have since WWII established their power over much of the world. However, the latter won't suffer in this war--it is the workers of nations controlled by the Empire that will be the causalities in this new economic war.

An article by Pepe Escobar, a highly educated and informed Brazilian journalist, entitled "Economic war on Iran is war on Eurasia integration" may be of interest to you.