Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Brave New Money: PayPal, WeChat, Amazon Go - A Totalitarian World Currency in the Making

Click here to access article by Norbert Häring, a German economist, from his blog. 

This article illustrates how an old-fashioned conservative views the increasing digitization of money that is slowly creeping into our lives. Don't misunderstand me: I am also concerned about this, but I come from a different point of view. Häring, as a well-educated, well-paid upper-middle class German, has served capitalism well (which he still refers to as a "democracy"). He also has a fetish for gold which (not incidentally) started us on the path toward the promotion of privately owned banks (see video at 4:13m) together with private ownership and/or control of all of the economy, has led to widespread inequality, never-ending wars, widespread suffering, etc. 

Digitization of money, as a sub-system, can offer us a most convenient way to exchange our productivity for goods and services that we need. But when this sub-system and a general social-economic system permits not only money, but the entire economy to be owned and controlled by a tiny minority (today they are capitalists), we see the results in extreme inequality. 

On the other hand, what if we, the people, controlled the digitization of money through a general system that we created, a general system that promotes widespread participation in decision-making? We could have convenience without inequality along with many other benefits such as peace, economic security, real education (instead of indoctrination), an economy that wouldn't pose a threat to our ecosystem, leisure time to spend with others we love, boundless creativity, etc.

However, he is right when he warns us about the increasing control of money by our ruling capitalist class. This trend is another indication of their compulsive drive for total control over our lives.