Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Jo Cox, Her Assassination, the White Helmets, “Humanitarianism,” and Regime Change (Part 1 of 4)

Click here to access article by Vanessa Beeley and Whitney Webb from Mint Press News. (Updated at 11:52 AM CT.)

These independent journalists have researched the rise of the White Helmets and offer this exposé into a fake "humanitarian" weapon used by the US Empire's ruling capitalist class to promote their imperialist interests in Syria. However, their continued operation and funding from various front NGOs (I have done my own research on two occasions in the past, see here and here, on these "humanitarian" funders) suggest that the White Helmets will be used in many other places in the future where the Empire has an interest. For example, see this post.
This is Part I of a three-part [it has since expanded to 4 parts] series on the life and legacy of Jo Cox, focusing on the establishment of the Jo Cox Fund 24 hours after her dreadful murder on June 16, 2016 — a fund that designated among its causes the multi-million-dollar government-financed White Helmets, whose primary purpose has been to escalate unlawful NATO state-proxy and direct military intervention in Syria. We focus on the originators of this fund and the extent to which they influence Western policy on Syria and elsewhere. It is no coincidence that some of the world’s most ardent imperialists are behind the cynical exploitation of one heinous murder to enable global mass-murder as well as human trafficking under the pretext of “ethical” and “humanitarian” intervention.
See Part II which was posted yesterday here.
This is Part II of a four-part series on the life and legacy of Jo Cox. .... In this part, we focus on how the people behind the Jo Cox Fund have applied strategies intended to promote foreign military intervention that was first perfected in the NATO intervention in the Balkans to the current conflict in Syria. Additionally, we examine how these players have helped develop the massive public-relations machine with the White Helmets at its center and how that machine has sought to use Cox’s death to sanctify the controversial group and shield it from scrutiny.