Wednesday, August 22, 2018

“Remember Pearl Harbor,” “Never Forget 9/11,” “Putin Did It”

Click here to access article by Hiroyuki Hamada from Dissident Voice. (I again thank an activist for alerting me to this fine article.)

After a review of the real history of the capitalist construction of the US Empire, the author concludes with these hopeful words: 
We are looking at the empire disintegrating as its economic sphere is losing its power and legitimacy while “enemies” of the empire are gaining a sphere of influence. Corporate political parties, war industry, government agencies and the rest of the imperialists are struggling to assert their own interests within the imperial framework of corporatism, colonialism and militarism, while picking fights with Russia, China, Iran and any country that defies the imperial hegemony, desperately seeking ways to metastasize for their survival. But the entire imperial order is collapsing.

We must not be a voice for the capitalist lords nor for the hitmen.  This is a time we must reach out to people like us in Russia, China, Syria, Iran, and other peoples of the planet, and people like us in our communities, with messages of peace, sharing and mutual respect. ....  We, the people of the planet, somehow must assert our desire to bring about a new era for our species ....  You might feel isolated.  But we are everywhere on this planet. We want to live as brothers and sisters.  We want to live in harmony with our planet.  We share our angles and facts for a better tomorrow for our children and their children. This is an urgent challenge of our time. Peace to us all.