Friday, August 31, 2018

Trump Deathwatch, the Latest Edition

Click here to access article by CJ Hopkins from CounterPunch

Hopkins is a master of satire, and he demonstrates this in the article about the ruling class's latest attempts to remove Trump (because the American public voted the wrong way in 2016--my sarcasm). He ends this article with some advice for us:
In the meantime, don’t forget to do your part in the War on Trump, Putin, Assad, Corbyn, and whoever else the corporate media tell us we’re at war against. Forget about global capitalism. Keep obsessing about Donald Trump. And if you get tired of obsessing about Donald Trump, you can always call Corbyn an anti-Semite, or accuse Glenn Greenwald of working for Putin, or, if you’ve got some free time and want to get creative, compile a Directory of International Assadists, or some other paranoid pseudo-blacklist. Every little contribution counts!