Friday, September 7, 2018

Recommeded articles for Friday, September 7, 2018

The so-called “Russiagate” charade has failed to oust Trump due to its embarrassing dearth of evidence on alleged collusion with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The wider American public have simply not bought into that drama which has been concocted by political and media elites to nix Trump.

Given the futility of those efforts, the Deep State may have now found at last the effective instrument with which to eliminate Trump from the White House. You enlist a “star journalist” with yesteryear’s Deep State operative experience, get the supposed paper of record to quickly “confirm” the salacious details, and then wait for the desired “administrative coup” to become a popularly demanded reality.
Under the Bush years, it was still permissible within the corporate media to criticize American foreign policy, however few and far between were such voices.

But after Obama’s 2008 victory, the entire American political establishment, including its middle-class “left” wing, embraced military escalation in the Middle East, and the media followed suit.

The criminality, along with the flagrant and filthy lying that tarred the Nixon and Bush administrations, have not only been adopted as standard practice by the whole political establishment, but have been embraced by the media.

Hersh has continued to expose these crimes and lies and because of it has been treated as a pariah in official American politics.
From Widgery to Washington: A Bloody Sunday Family Member’s Perspective on 9/11 by Julieann Campbell from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

The author offers an Irish experience, in which Irish activists finally succeeded to get the British government in 2010 to partially confess their sins regarding the Bloody Sunday massacre of 1972, to encourage their ongoing efforts to demand that the US government re-examine the evidence regarding the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.