Sunday, September 2, 2018

Washington Post Covers Up US Meddling in Malaysia

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook

One of the world's top analyst of information and propaganda scores again in this exposé of meddling by the Empire in Malaysia's politics. The author has been providing us with this valuable service for a number of years, and always with extensive documentation. Yes, once again, Cartalucci points out how the propaganda agents in the Empire's corporate media actually do what they accuse Russia of doing in the USA.

I can't understand why he is not recognized as a top political analyst by those Americans who want to think for themselves, and that he has not enjoyed a wide following by independent, unbrainwashed readers. Apparently too many people have succumbed to the intellectual passivity that propaganda agents have worked so hard for many years to instill in our "educated" as well as the larger society. Could it be that while many others are only posing as dissidents, he is really doing it?