Thursday, October 11, 2018

Coming September 2019: The Anatomy of a Great Deception — Part 2!

Click here to access article and video that was sent to me by Richard Gage, AIA
Founder & CEO, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Here is your opportunity to help fund a second film by Dave Hooper about the greatest false-flag event in history and help to expose it as that. There are no limits--and I mean no limits--that our masters will go to to defend the benefits of their ruling class positions and their attacks against anyone or nation that stands in their way of access to their drugs of power and profits. I'm referring to the ruling, transnational, capitalist classes of the US-led Empire. 

Some of their worst deceptions in addition to their crime of 9/11 include the creation of a democratic facades of their governments whose war policies are always presented as motivated by humanitarian concerns, their successful attempts to evade taxes (and raise ours) with the establishment of offshore tax havens, and finally their use (or misuse) of our money that is issued by their privately owned central banks. The list of their deceptions and crimes against the overwhelming majority of humanity are endless--9/11 is only one of them. But if the American people can be convinced of this greatest false-flag event, there is no telling where they will go to question all the lies, deceptions, and crimes of our masters.