Tuesday, October 9, 2018

International relations: the calm before the storm?

Click here to access article by Thierry Meyssan from his blog VoltaireNet

(The translator erred--once again--in translating the French "destitution". It has not the same meaning in English. Example from the original article in French: "Les partisans de l’ancien ordre international misent sur un changement de majorité au Congrès et une destitution rapide du président Trump." See this and this. )

The author's basic thesis that events in Syria and elsewhere are largely suspended due to the wait for the results of the US midterm elections held in early November. This had a special resonance with me because I sensed that we were in an extended period of calm in international relations. Meyssan may be right. The thought occurred to me after reading this article that the Deep State, which has been focused on getting rid of Trump since he took office, may be awaiting their plans to put more anti-Trump candidates (Democratic Party) into the US Congress in order to make the impeachment of Trump much more likely. 

In general I think that this author has a sound geopolitical grasp of events in this vital Mid-East area, and in particular I was impressed with his knowledge of US strategies that have been pursued in Syria. One new motivation of these policies, which I hadn't thought of, was the disruption of the Belt and Road Initiative of China.
The three years of war that followed [the Russian military assistance] had other objectives - on the one hand, to create a new state straddling Iraq and Syria within the framework of the Cebrowski strategy, and, on the other, to use Daesh to cut the Silk Road that Xi Jinping’s China were seeking to reactivate - thus maintaining continental domination over the "Western" part.