Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Sciences of inequality

Click here to access article by David Ruccio from Real-World Economics Review Blog

Ruccio, a left economist, first introduces data showing gross inequality in the USA, and then provides his answer to Joseph Stiglitz's article that was carried in Scientific American and was posted yesterday in this blog with my commentary.
... what are the economics behind the kind of degrading and destructive inequality we’ve been witnessing in the United States in recent decades? For that, Scientific American turned to Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz for an explanation. Readers of this blog will be on familiar ground. As I’ve explained before (e.g., here), Stiglitz criticizes the “fictional narrative” of neoclassical economics, according to which everyone gets what they deserve through markets (which “may at one time have assuaged the guilt of those at the top and persuaded everyone else to accept this sorry state of affairs”), and offers an alternative explanation ....