Friday, October 12, 2018

Showtime in America: Idiots’ Delight: A Quasi Review

Click here to access article by Edward Curtin from his blog. 

Curtin can't get over his new discovery--that (nearly) everything is a lie in America. Judging by recent, and not so recent, events, I must agree with him. I keep wondering what the effects are from this "Showtime in America" on ordinary Americans.
... we are living in a time of unprecedented technological media mind manipulation difficult to penetrate. Harold Pinter called it “a tapestry of lies” in which facts don’t matter. What happened never happened; what never happened happened. It’s all about believability in the national media’s hypnotic show, whose purpose Russell Baker described 25 years ago as being to “provide a manageably small cast for a national sitcom, or soap opera, or docudrama, making it easy for media people to persuade themselves they are covering the news while mostly just entertaining us.”