Monday, November 19, 2018

The “Resistance” Struggles To Justify Support For Trump’s Prosecution Of Assange

Click here to access article by Caitlin Johnstone from her blog.
Ever since suspicions were confirmed that the Trump administration is indeed working to prosecute and imprison WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for publishing authentic documents, the so-called “Resistance” has been struggling to explain exactly why it is so enthusiastically supportive of that agenda. And when I say struggling, I am being very, very generous.
Johnstone exposes the hypocrisy of Democratic party activists who pose as the "Resistance". I think that this is another illustration of how the capitalist ruling class is tolerating and using Trump as long as he does things that they couldn't get away with, or wouldn't want to, in order to preserve their facade of press freedoms.

(You might also be interested in reading an article by the same author entitled "The Empire Keeps Proving Assange Right About Everything".)