Thursday, November 29, 2018

With Azov Sea Events Stealing Spotlight, US Gathers Huge Military Force in and Around Syria

Click here to access article by Arkady Savitsky from Strategic Culture Foundation

If you are unaware of the latest mischief that the US-led Empire (USA, Britain, France, plus the Zionist state of Israel) has been up to near Crimea (Sea of Azov), get up-to-date with two articles I posted here, then read this article. You see, the Deep State (see my commentary here) which guides the policies of the Empire, never sleeps in its objective to maintain the re-constituted colonial powers under the new capitalist Empire as a dominate power in the world. 

The author spots, and brings to our attention, the buildup in the Mediterranean by forces of the Empire, and wonders what this is all about.
The concentration of US military in the region is a worrisome sign. This huge force has gathered for something much more serious than just training. With the events in Europe grabbing public attention, the situation creep in Syria is staying under the radar. It shouldn’t be. Something is definitely being cooked up.
Perhaps the perceptive geopolitical analyst, Stephen Gowans, is right when he wrote back in September the following:
The United States has a new strategy for Syria, according to The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. The new direction, however, is simply the old, largely unrecognized, one, transformed from a de facto status to official one by presidential authorization. In other words, an aggressive US policy on Syria will continue to be implemented—one the US president had, for a time, openly mused about reversing, but has now accepted.