Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Film on the CIA “On Company Business”

Click here if you wish to access the restored film directly from Counter Currents

It was first created in 1980 in VHS format, but now reformatted to view over the web. It is in three parts which last nearly three hours. Right now I don't remember having previously viewed this film; but because I was very politically oriented at the time of its original production, I was very aware of the CIA's role in the creation of the US-led capitalist Empire after WWII. 

I plan to view the film shortly, probably tonight. I don't usually post videos that I have not previously seen, but this looks very authentic and has the support of people who are interested in piercing the barrage of Empire propaganda that we, the people, are flooded with from every direction while living in the USA. I will express my views on it as soon as I am able to watch all three parts of it.