Tuesday, December 11, 2018

MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! - Must WATCH (with Richard Gage & Barbara Honegger)

Click here if you wish to access the video directly from YouTube. The 33 minute video (the last three minutes was a pitch to donate to WAM) was produced by WAM (Winnipeg Alternative Media) and featured prominently on AE911Truth (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth) website. The founder of WAM is Josh Sigurdson who functions largely as a moderator for this excited discussion by Richard Gage and Barbara Honegger.
Josh Sigurdson talks with Richard Gage AIA of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth as well as Barbara Honegger who famously exposed the truth behind the Iran Contra scandal in the 1980s as a member of the Reagan White House with her book 'October Surprise' and now works with the Lawyers Committee For 9/11 Inquiry.
Some massive news has come out in recent days regarding a petition originally filed in April of 2018 asking for a new investigation into 9/11. Just a few days ago, LCfor9/11 got a letter back from a US attorney agreeing to comply with a Federal law requiring submission to a special grand jury of report by Lawyers' committee and 9/11 victim family members of "yet to be prosecuted 9/11 crimes."
The implications of the case they are pursing are staggering. They do have a mountain of evidence that the government's interpretation of this event was false, and events since then overwhelmingly suggest a coverup. It's obvious that the government led by the Deep State and its "security" and "intelligence services" were involved to bring it off. Cui bono? This is also obvious which leads Sigurdson to ask a most obvious question at 7:38m--essentially that the government cannot investigate itself with any credibility. 

The people at AE911Truth and the Lawyers Committee For 9/11 Inquiry are, as the names suggest, consist of professionals in the engineering, architecture, and legal professions. As professionals they have gone through long years of education and have enjoyed the perks that all professionals enjoy in a capitalist economy. Thus, they have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the ideology of capitalism, specifically with regards to the much vaunted "rule of law". Now they will find out how shallow this part of capitalist ideology is. 

Yet, I don't expect that their futile efforts will change many of their minds because they, who have served an indispensable function for capitalists, have enjoyed so many advantages. They will not "bite the hands that feeds them" in spite of the fact of their mountain of evidence (which they cite at length in the video), the fact that some of them lost loved-ones in this false-flag operation, and millions of people have been terribly impacted throughout the Middle East. Barbara Honegger clearly has not lost her faith in the system because of the Kennedy and other assassinations (the Zapruder film she mentions in the video was given immediately to the authorities), and her own experience with exposing the October surprise which the Reagan operatives engineered to get him elected. Nobody was held accountable for any of these crimes!

It will be interesting to see how the Deep State handles this grand jury investigation. It doesn't take much political intelligence to predict that it will be given minimal coverage in corporate media, the process will be drawn out and will take many years, the litigants will be offered some non-consequential legal rewards, but in the end nothing will come of it. I don't expect to still be alive when the case is ultimately concluded even though I am in very good health at the age of 82.