Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Recommended articles for Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Note that this website is "A project of the Nation Institute", and as such expresses a liberal point of view regarding the issue of species annihilation by ignoring the effects of capitalism on the environment and other species. The system is regarded by this liberal website, as in all liberal websites, as a fixture of reality, much like the sun. Note also that this post downplays the importance of the issue by entitling the article the way it does. Other websites have re-posted this article (see this, this, and this) with different titles that emphasize the importance of the issue. Although the author recognizes that species extinction is related to the threat of global warming, he rather vaguely suggests only in the last paragraph that it might also threaten humans, and refuses to recognize that global warming is caused by the man-made capitalist system.