Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Recommended articles for Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Updated at 1:48 PM CT. Credit goes to an activist for alerting me to the post by the UN Human Rights commissioner. 
... the American mainstream media has avoided focusing on the Yellow Vest movement. The left, on the other hand, must be overjoyed, right?

Well, it’s more like: Comme-ci, comme ça.

Why? “Identity politics” is, of course, the term that immediately comes to mind, though that term oversimplifies, particularly regarding the French context. As C. J. Hopkins put it: “Nothing scares the Identity Politics Left quite like an actual working class uprising.” Scares and confuses.
  • Imagining Life After Capitalism -- Sasha Lilley of KPFA, a listener sponsored radio station radio station in Berkeley, California, interviews author Peter Frase regarding the issues in his book, Four Futures: Life After Capitalism Verso (2014). 
We humans have a future?