Thursday, January 10, 2019

Forgotten France rises up

Click here to access article by Serge Halimi from Le Monde Diplomatique
Macron has come unstuck. As did previous wunderkinder just as young, smiling and modern: Laurent Fabius, Tony Blair, Matteo Renzi. The liberal bourgeoisie are hugely disappointed. His French presidential election win in 2017 — whether it was a miracle or a divine surprise — had given them hope that France had become a haven of tranquillity in a troubled West. When Macron was crowned (to Beethoven’s Ode to Joy), The Economist, that standard-bearer for the views of the international ruling class, put him on its front cover, grinning as he walked on water.

But the sea has swallowed up Macron, too sure of his own instincts and too contemptuous of other people’s economic plight.
Another good post from some unknown source in which you may be interested to learn about the ongoing French protests that US corporate media refuses to cover: French riots? Here’s the reality MSM will not show you… and there’s good reason.