Monday, January 7, 2019

Recommended articles for Monday, January 7, 2019

ISDS is hugely controversial. Concerns have been raised by a wide range of actors about both the process of ISDS, and the way the system can infringe on the sovereign right of states to regulate to protect public health, human rights and the environment.
Watching the actions and ignoring the words is a personal policy I’ve found very useful in dealing with top government figures who understand that power has nothing to do with truth and everything to do with narrative control, and in that particular case the president’s claims were quickly memory holed after a highly suspicious chemical weapons allegation in Douma a few days later. The president’s words said the troops were leaving, and what actually happened was the US bombing the Syrian government for a second time in a year while troops remained where they were.

Everyone completely lost their shit last month when the president once again made the claim that US troops will be brought home from Syria.
Recent research indicates that a major ruling class solution to the carbon buildup from the burning of fossil fuels--capturing carbon dioxide and burying it underground--is based on very little science. In other words, this capitalist solution is mostly based on wishful thinking as a desperate measure to save their system which delivers to this tiny social-economic class so much power and wealth, and delivers to the rest of us extreme inequality, wars, environmental destruction, etc. 
“We need to refocus and reenergize ‘Western’ entertainment to combat increasing authoritarianism and illiberal tendencies worldwide, how to go about doing so BUT without it being ‘propaganda’,” states an undated “Memorandum” uploaded online last week, in the fourth tranche of leaks from the international Foreign Office-funded Integrity Initiative.