Thursday, January 24, 2019

Recommended articles for Thursday, January 24, 2019

I recommend this piece by Meyssan for those who track rather closely the details of the Empire's highly secret and deceitful strategies to control the fossil fuel rich Middle East and their vendetta against Iran for opposing these strategies. Meyssan, a French geopolitical analyst, normally writes on this own website, Voltaire Network, but the owners of Mint Press News out of Minneapolis has close kinship relations with the Middle East and apparently trust his judgement. I don't always agree with his analyses, but I feel that he is sincerely trying to understand events.
Economists love graphs, a statistical image that portrays some data, and this piece offers many graphs that point to some striking features of a capitalist system: it promotes the formation of a tiny class of rich/powerful, private owners of socially produced wealth.
  • Hicks vs. Globalists by Linh Dinh from The Unz Review. (This is a very different kind of post which I found so enthralling (def.).)
To see the world--and he appears to have traveled the world--through his eyes and expressed so well in his inimitable prose is a very unique experience.