Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Recommended articles for Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Yes, I recognize the smile in the picture. I've seen it occasionally over my long adult life, but never in a grossly intimidating situation as in the picture largely because I'm white.
The founders of Media Lens (a British alternative website) David Cromwell and David Edwards, are interviewed by Klarenberg. Much of the discussion centers on "liberal media" which I admit I no longer understand. The political spectrum of what some people call the Anglo-American Empire has so shifted to the right that I am quite confused about the distinctions. Because liberals and conservatives served the same capitalist ruling class, such distinctions logically moved to the right following the events of the last 40 years. I am referring to the stark contradiction of the system of capitalism and a habitat that could be sustainable for human beings to live in. I am also referring to the dramatic challenges to the capitalist Empire (4th Reich?) that emerging nations such as Russia and China have posed for the directors of the dominant capitalist Empire. Therefore, separating liberal from conservative is no longer valid. It is now corporate media, under the control of the capitalist ruling class, versus alternative media which are increasingly questioning the narratives of corporate media.
Anyway, the questions pose to the founders of Media Lens draws out much very interesting material about how our masters of the Empire are flooding the media with self-serving propaganda in an attempt to shape our views and values and see the world through their lens, which is that of power and profits.