Monday, January 21, 2019

Shocking Admission By FBI Veteran Shows Why The FBI Shouldn’t Exist

Click here to access article by Caitlin Johnstone from her blog. 

When King decided to join the Civil Rights Movement to the Vietnam Anti-war Movement, roughly a year before he was assassinated by our masters, he became the enemy of the Deep State who saw this as a major threat to their rule. They were right. 

I confess that I really didn't pay much attention to the article. You see, I already know so much about this criminal event perpetrated by our masters that I didn't want to waste time. Yes, the FBI handled the assassination, but on the orders of the Deep State.

Our masters decided that they could rather easily assassinate this leader as they did with the John F. Kennedy because the machinery of assassinations had already been setup against Castro, and the CIA was well experienced in knocking off numerous other leaders in the past such as Patrice Lumumba of the Republic of the Congo and President Allende of Chile. No doubt having accomplished the assassination of JF Kennedy and had it covered up without significant resistance from the American people, it gave them confidence to use it against other targets of people who they perceived interfered with their policies or threatened their rule such as Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King. Observe in the following video the haughty contempt with which the CIA Director Dick Helms, who reported only to the fascist Deep State, answered questions before the last committee of Congress in 1976 to investigate CIA activities:

It should be remembered that the leader of this committee, Sen. Frank Church, was never elected again to the Senate after his committee's work was finished. He died a few years later.