Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Most Inconvenient Truth: “Capitalism is in Danger of Falling Apart”

Click here to access article by Cory Morningstar with Forrest Palmer from Wrong Kind of Green

I've often had difficulties wading through their lengthy articles. It appears to me that the authors are members of the ruling capitalist class who clearly see the destructive effects of capitalism, and they are writing for the members of their own class of people who have loads of time--because they don't work--to wade through them. Although retired, the aging process has reduced considerably the time and energy that I have to read such lengthy articles and to accomplish other tasks to maintain my life. But, if you are of this class, I highly recommend their posts.

This article is clearly a third of a four part series that, I think, focuses on NGOs that promote "green capitalism".  Capitalists, such as Al Gore, are somewhat aware of the destructive results of normal capitalism, but are trying to desperately save both their baby (capitalism) and the bathwater of planet Earth (def). Or, maybe it's the other way around. In any case, these "green capitalists" are engaging in a very pretentious, desperate, and deceptive attempt to preserve their system without the disastrous effects.  
Utilizing the power of celebrity (an unprecedented phenomenon for the expansion of capital in the west), today’s global influencers such as Thunberg [and Gore], are fully utilized to create a sense of urgency in regard to the climate crisis. The unspoken reality is, they are the very marketing strategy to save capitalism. This is a very “inconvenient truth”. [my insertion]